Monthly Archives: September 2014

Colloquium this Friday: Kim Potowski, University of Illinois at Chicago

Our first colloquium of the semester is this coming Friday at the usual time and place (3:00pm, Curtin 124)! Details:

Kim Potowski, University of Illinois at Chicago

“Soy los dos”: Spanish and identity among “MexiRicans.”  “MexiRican” individuals grow up in the U.S. with one Mexican parent and one Puerto Rican parent.  What does their Spanish look like after being exposed to these two distinct dialects from birth?  This study explores several features of their Spanish, including their knowledge of Mexican and Puerto Rican lexicon and their realizations of coda /s/ and of trilled /r/.  It then describes the ways in which they perform identities as mixed ethnicity Latinos and the role that the Spanish language plays in their identities.

Friday reading groups: Trinh 9/19, P group starts 9/26

The Syntax-Semantics Reading Group is off and running for fall 2014. Last Friday we had our first talk of the semester, by new Ph.D. student Abdel-Rahman Abu Helal (“Locative inversion: An EPP-based account”). The next talk takes place tomorrow, Sept. 19, at noon in the department conference room and features Tue Trinh speaking about expletive negation in Vietnamese.

On Friday, Sept. 26, at 1pm in the department conference room, there will be a meeting of the new Phonetics and Phonology Reading Group, which is organized by Anne Pycha, Hanyong Park, and Jae Yung Song.